I thought the guilty feeling would go away after being a parent for a few years, but it seems to be getting worse.
Let me explain… for most of the past (nearly) 6 years, I’ve been reading a bedtime story for Isabella. The ritual has been: Prepare bedtime milk, either carry or chase my baby girl up the stairs to her bedroom, place her on the bed, turn on the lamp, read her a chapter of a book (or a whole book), give her a good night kiss and tell her “I Love Her”, turn off the lights, she asks me to hug her while she falls asleep and I do as I’m told, and then we both snore the night away until my wife, Karm, wakes me up.
Since this past Monday however, we’ve been following the same ritual until I turn off the lights. It is at this point that I gently pull away from Isabella (while she’s hanging onto my hand) and promise her that I’ll be in the next room taking care of my share of housework (laundry, tidying up, picking up after Brayden, doing dishes, etc). After about 15 minutes I walk back into the Isabella’s room only to find my little princess fast asleep. It’s here that I feel cheated and suddenly overcome with great sense of guilt. I just don’t think it’s fair that Isabella falls asleep without her dad.
We all start pulling away from family ever so slowly in the name of “growing up” and “independence”. It’s a different start for everyone… for me and Isabella it seems to have started with my baby princess falling sleep on her own. I just hope I can replace “independence” with “interdependence”… I think I can handle the latter better.
Thanks for reading,
PS. She promised me this morning that I can hold her hand and walk her to school until she is 20. When I told her that she’ll be in university by then, she said “that’s OK; you can drive me to school then!”
Incidentally, I'm reading her A.A. Milne's The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh |
*** I borrowed the title of this blog entry from the "Sleeping Beauty Pantomime" that Isabella, Karm and I attended a couple of years ago!