My last blog, Remembering the summers, prompted me to look back a bit and review all the things that we used to do in the 70s and 80s that would be deemed absolutely unacceptable or at least frowned upon by today’s parents (meaning us). Here’s what I came up with and I’m sure there’s more that I just can’t remember yet:
- Having a teenage mom, who I love very much and thank her for deciding to keep me. Love you mom (and dad, of course)
- Doctors pulling me out with super-sized 1970 style forceps, which nearly blinded me and caused brain damage (albeit the latter may still hold true J); rumour has it that I was a 12-pounder kid... I think it's just a rumour!!!
- Deciding that at age 5 I was old enough to go grocery shopping on my own; this didn’t go too well as it caused a serious panic in the neighbourhood
- Walking, running and jumping off 10-feet tall neighbourhood walls
- Riding bikes without helmets
- Never mind airbags in cars; seat-belts were optional at the time of purchase J
- Sitting, standing and occasionally rolling around in the back seat of cars; and if we were lucky and behaved well, we would be awarded a chance to sit in the trunk of the station wagon… oh, good times.
- Jumping into a shallow home-made pond, only to break my nose by hitting the bottom of the “pool”
- Never mind smoking 6 meters away from entry points; people used to smoke in the room, in the car, in restaurants, beaches; really, there wasn’t a place that you could not light one up
- Playing with the mercury that came inside the thermometers… funny, how that little swirling silver-colour ball can cause mercury-poisoning, eh? Who knew?
- Playing with lead- painted toys… forget that, we played with lead itself if we could get our hands on it J
- Bullies? We weren’t afraid of bullies because we all had a friend in the neighbourhood that would take care of that problem; albeit we had to pay “our friend” to stand up for us. If the neighbourhood bully wasn’t around to protect you, you could ask your dad to find the “mean” kid and give him a good spanking
- Grabbing a cab and going to school at the age of 10… and then walking back home in the afternoons, all by myself
- And the list goes on and on…
I would love to hear your stories and I hope you’ll add your piece to this.
Thanks for reading,