Can you imagine what an awesome world we would be living in if we could read each others’ moods? One look at yourself in the mirror and you’d know exactly what type of day you were about to have. And people around you would either ignore you or would want to be your best friend.
Imagine no more comments like “wow, did you get off the wrong side of the bed this morning” or “who peed in your cereal” because people knew what kind of mood you’re in: Black.
Another day, people would say things like, “oh, here comes Mr. Sunshine” or “wow, you look terrific today”. That is simply because you’re yellow with a tint of green.
And then there’re moments that complete strangers would ask “you’re purple; want to be friends <wink> <wink>?”. Ahhh, you’re in heaven!
Imagine, there will be no more arguments, fights or disagreements; only world peace! This, of course, could only happen if we could read each others’ moods.
Impossible you say; rubbish I say!!! The technology is already here, it’s just that we are not taking advantage of it. They are called BioDots ;)
These tiny little “mole” looking stick-on items are readily available. Here’s how they work: As most of us know, body temperature changes under stress due to slower and/or restricted blood flow... the colder one gets the tenser the mood; do you remember the whole fight or flight or freeze symptoms when facing danger? Well, on the colour spectrum, ranging from purple to black, you’d most likely be at black when facing a tense situation.
There are times that I wish we all had a BioDot planted on our foreheads. I know of couple of people that could definitely use such a tool to keep friends, colleagues and foes away.
This product, of course, does have a downside: it doesn’t come in the glow-in-the-dark version, which is too bad because most of us could have used one at the nightclubs during our teen years.
Thanks for reading,
PS. I used one of these biodots last week and it worked 90% of the time except for when I was in a foul mood, which no colour in the world could identify it ;)
I know I could use that around the office, as would my colleagues. At least black would match my outfits most of the time! - Wendy