Monday, April 25, 2011

On Your Mark! Get Set!

So there we were, at the beginning of a line that looked like it stretched for miles. Isabella was holding my hand before the start. The plan was simple, Isabella and I were going to run the 2.5 kilometres and once we cross the finish line, we were going to walk back and find Karm and Brayden and walk to the finish line again.
There we were! Running hard and bypassing as many people as we possibly could. We knew it was going to be tough given the number of runners but we managed to cross the line. We weren’t first but we were not the last either. Yay! We walked back and caught up with Karm and Brayden, who was enjoying the beautiful day in his stroller. So we crossed the finish line as a family. There were people cheering on and shouting words of encouragement as we embraced to celebrate another success as a family.

Here we are at the finish line! Brayden looks like he ran a full marathon!
Well, the above scenario was what I had been dreaming of for a long time. And to be honest, it was far from how our first family Sun Run shaped out to be.
What? We're going for a run?
But I need one more diaper change mom!
We're ready! How about you?
I was first in the line alright; first in the line to collect our runner bibs, but that’s pretty much it. The race day started great; we woke up super early and were all dressed and ready to go by 6:30 AM. But then all the last minute stuff started: One last diaper change before we hit the road, bathroom breaks and diaper bag check.

Next thing you know, it’s 7:00 AM. J This meant that we had less than 45 minutes to get to downtown Vancouver, find a parking spot, walk for about 15 minutes to the start line and join the race. In short, that didn’t happen: We made it downtown at 8:00 AM, found a parking spot immediately but we ended up wasting 10 minutes to pay for it since our lovely city of Vancouver managed parking ticket dispensing machines were not accepting credit cards. Well, we made it to the start line at 8:20, which was about 20 minutes too late.
Although I was super disappointed (and with all honesty I couldn’t hide it) I was happy to spend a day with my family and get a t-shirt out of it.
At least Isabella got her "tattoo".
Thanks for reading,
PS.  We’ll be registering for next year’s Vancouver Sun Run. Until then, there’re many more events that we can participate in, only if we can be on time J
Hey, waking up at 5:00 isn't easy.
Would you believe it if I tell you that this is at 11:00 AM!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh noooo....sorry to hear that Armin. I thought the first story was so touching and really hoped that it was true. That's brutal. I mean I bet you still all had fun but it's not the same. However I guess that's what being a parent is all about. Happy that the four of you still got to experience this all together. Love you!
