I am starting to notice a very interesting trend: As I get older, the size of my vitamin pills gets bigger. For example, my multivitamin pill is the size of two finger bands and just as thick… it reminds me of a horse tranquilizer. I guess my vitamin pill is going to get large enough that it can no longer be consumed orally?
It’s been an interesting couple of weeks… what did I learn?
- I learned that life passes by too quickly… my princess turned 6 years old. I’m having a hard time seeing her as a young girl, so I am going to continue to pretend that she’s only a year old until I can no longer lift her off the ground. Do you think she’ll be OK with that?
- I learned that no two people are the same, even though they are born into the same family, raised by same parents, eat the same food and sometime clothed the same… yes, it’s true: We’re still using some of Isabella’s old clothes on Brayden, however, we make sure he is not seen in public wearing “girlie” clothes. Jokes aside, the two children could not have been any more different. Isabella was an Angel, but Brayden has started off as a terror. How is that possible that two are so different?
- I learned that everyone has a dark side… it may be well hidden but it will come out at some point. I saw an ugly side of someone and it was scary, albeit only for a second or two.
- I learned that everyone wants to be cared for and no one likes to be neglected. This could be done by simply picking up the phone and calling someone. To R.C., although you and your family are always on my mind, I’m sorry for not checking up on you more regularly.
- I learned that life is way too precious to be ignored. I say this as one my friend’s mother is battling cancer once again. I would like to think that she’ll be just as successful in defeating this illness as the first time. Our thoughts and prayers are with her, my friend and her family. What did I learn from visiting her yesterday? One should not be any less of a gracious host regardless of the situation… This amazing woman sat with us around the dining room table and jumped in the conversation when her strength allowed her to and shared a smile when she could. I would like to thank her for her hospitality over the years and hope we can make many more memories together.
- I learned that we’re very lucky to be surrounded by loving friends. Both Isabella and Brayden were spoiled by their “aunts” and “uncles” this past weekend as we got together for another Christmas Gift Exchange party. I hope our children are as lucky as we are when it comes to finding the right friends to make and share memories with.
- I learned that we all need someone to share our lives with: a spouse, a partner, a child or a parent, a family member or a friend, a dog, a cat or a fish. But most importantly, we all need to love someone and feel loved. Thank you Karm for being the one for me.
Thank you for reading,
PS. As I get older, I don’t become wiser! As I get older, I realize how naive I had been!
Dear Armin, thank you for your kindness. You're a funny guy with amazing insight - I love the comment about your children being so different one from the other, I can definitely attest to that from a sibling point of view and also as a mother. My siblings and I couldn't have been any more different in personalities, and we all shared the same food, the same vitamins and the same parents...especially clothing between us sisters and also between my brothers, but the amazing part of all this, is how well we can combine our good traits to fully make the best of every situation! ... I wish more families could still have larger families, as I think they can be a lot of fun! - Your visit with Karm was greatly appreciated it, thank you again! Love, Priscilla