While sorting through some old stuff in the storage, I came across a bunch of my old name-badges, which prompted the following question: |
Looking back at years past, I began to wonder to whom I owe my professional progress.
Was it that little construction / development office in Istanbul, Turkey, that hired me as a “coffee boy”? I was working full-time (5 days per week) when I was about 13 years old and brought home about 4,000 Turkish Liras, which paid for our weekly household groceries… actually, I had a bit left over to treat my family to Lahmacun (famous Turkish pizza) every Friday and buy a little toy for my baby brother from a neighbouring pharmacy that displayed all sorts of shiny toys behind the shop window. Back in 1985, 4,000 Liras went a long way as if I remember correctly Ekmek (Turkish sourdough bread) was about 250 Liras.
That job lasted for a year or two but I am ever so grateful for having the chance to experience it. I learned how hard it was to make money, the difference between the “Wants” and “Needs”, prioritizing expenses, the importance of family members helping each other, self-discipline, and most importantly humility!
Thanks for reading,
PS. Take a chance on and give a chance to a teenager… you might just be the one that sets the first brick on his or her path to success!
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