Macy's on 34th Street |
About 3 months ago, someone of my age told me that although I am very wise “I am trying too hard to find the answer to life, which will come to me upon my ‘death-bed’; so I should stop searching so hard”. I simply nodded!!!
I’m not going to bore you with the details of the trip; however, I feel obligated to let you know that New York is a beautiful city where dreams are built just as tall as the buildings, where people are as resilient and kind as those immigrants that came to the shores many years ago, and where the culture is as brilliant and vibrant as it’s city lights. When in New York, it’s hard not to feel as part of a bigger and better world.
New York: Thank you for not disappointing… you were everything I had dreamed of, and more!
Along the way of my journey, of course, I learned some new lessons:
- “Don’t imagine the worse unless there’s a good reason to do so”: To be honest, I was absolutely terrified to travel with Brayden, who does not like to be “tied-down” as he is a “free-roaming” individual that sees everything in his path as a climbing challenge. Well, I was wrong as he was a real trooper throughout the trip, including the 5+ hours he spent on the plane and in the airports. Just like his sister, he ended up being a great traveller (I’m touching wood as I don’t want to jinx it).
“Encourage children to live their dreams”: Watching Isabella and her mom on the ice at the Rockefeller Centre, under a giant Christmas tree, brought a certain unexplainable joy. Knowing that one of Isabella’s dreams had just come true was truly a magical moment. You won’t believe the number of people who told us that skating at the Rockefeller Centre was a childhood dream that was yet to be fulfilled. They had many excuses as to why they haven’t done it yet, but they couldn’t come up with one good reason why they should do it sooner than later, if at all.
- “Dream the impossible”: Standing at Times Square, under giant digital billboards, I realized how large life can be so I’ll be taking some “baby” steps towards some big dreams; personal changes are coming and I’ll be sharing them with you along the way!
- "It’s OK to get lost once in a while”: We lost our ways a couple of times, but our adventures took us to some amazing places including Harlem, which we would not have gone to otherwise. It’s funny how some of the most memorable moments in life are those that were not pre-planned, eh?
- “Some things don’t have to be seen to be felt”: The attacks on New York took place four years before Isabella was born and yet she shed a tear for those that lost their lives at “Ground Zero” (Twin Towers). Isn’t it amazing how children can feel the pain solely based on those around them? I couldn’t have been prouder of my daughter for feeling that pain as I hope her generation will put an end to all types of violence (yes, I am dreaming of the impossible).
- “Let kids plan some of the trip”: I had some of the best experiences when Isabella planned family events as they always end up being spontaneous and fun!!! Isn’t that what vacations are all about?
- “Realize and be thankful”: I thank God (Mother Earth; The Higher Power; Spirit; Humanity; Science; or whatever else you want to call it) every day for what I have as every dream met is another step towards being “complete”.
Thanks for reading and a very Happy 2012,
PS. To the person that gave me the advice three months ago: I have found the answer to life and it is to live life without regrets and to the fullest alongside of my family and friends. I am no longer searching for an answer, I am living it!
PPS. I’m neither an optimist nor a pessimist; going forward, I’m going to call myself a “Dreaming Realist” :)
The Apple (view from our hotel room) |
& The Lady (I couldn't stop thinking about the Godfather movies) |
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